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Evolution and the Rules of Engagement; from Clicks to Events

Technology and terminology are both changing.

Engagement patterns are changing and so is the way that we measure and report them.

We began ten years ago by measuring page views and the mouse clicks website visitors made between page views. This information is displayed in the form of a clickstream. We are now able to capture a much wider range of activity.

Our technology has expanded to keep pace with engagement patterns across the internet. Alongside clicks and page views, we also capture events. We group events into eventstreams. Alongside visitors we also measure users.

Definition of an event:
for Opentracker, anything can be an event. An event can be a view, swipe, click, pinch, download, ajax call, movie view, etc.

You can now send us custom events; inserting data (events) can be done by submitting the data to our log servers with secure http requests.

Q: What are we actually talking about?

A: We are talking about measurement of traffic, and usage:

  1. html websites
  2. native apps built for iphone (iOS) or Android
  3. web apps meaning sites accessed through mobile devices

We are talking about the ability to access a single report which provides a picture of universal activity, which we call Total Engagement.
An example would be a cross-device or cross-platform launch, and the ability to show advertisers a report with total audience engagement.

Q: What is our goal?
A: Given the importance of understanding user audience and being able to react in a timely fashion, Opentracker’s goal is to provide a realtime solution which is easy to read and reports on Total Engagement across apps and websites.

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