网站分析 Opentracker分析






  • 加入成千上万的依靠Opentracker的网站来了解他们网站上发生的事情。
  • Opentracker是一款价格极具竞争力的最佳解决方案,用于跟踪和网站分析。
  • 我们提供最简单,最翔实,最直接的统计解决方案。 信息是美丽的和有用的,如果显示技能。
  • 该公司的标志是简单,直观,易于阅读的报告界面
  • 了解为什么我们已经制定了15年的标准。



realtime visitor online = 访客在线 realtime visitor pending =访客不活跃  realtime visitor offline =游客已经走了



  • 网站和应用程序用户
  • 会话和持续时间
  • 参与和转换
  • 推荐人,退出,搜索条件
  • 点击,触摸,滑动和捏
  • 自定义事件是电子邮件
  • 应用/浏览器名称和版本
  • 平台和设备
  • 国家,地区,城市
  • GPS纬度和经度
  • 时区和语言
  • ISP,提供商或运营商
  • 公司和组织
  • 区域,邮政或邮政编码
  • IP地址和连接类型
  • 屏幕大小和方向
  • 人口统计


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Visitor labeling & tags


识别和标记访客。 宝贵的电子邮件活动或跟踪线索。



Track events & properties



Company Identification



Einzigartige Besucher verfolgen



Real-time Reporting allows you to monitor your visitor's activity



IP-Adresse verfolgen



ROI & Conversion



Start trial web analytics


FREE trial here. Get Smart. Get Started.

Signup to Web Analytics

Web Analytics

  • Join thousands of sites who rely on Opentracker to know what happens on their websites.
  • Opentracker is a competitively priced best-of-breed solution for tracking & web analytics.
  • We provide the easiest, most informative, and straight-forward statistics solution available. Information is beautiful and helpful if displayed with skill.
  • The company’s hallmark is simple, intuitive, and easy-to-read reporting interfaces.
  • Founded in 2002. Find out why we’ve been setting standards for 15 years.

See your visitors, in Realtime!

Find yourself in the online visitors table below.

realtime visitor online = user is online realtime visitor pending = user is inactive realtime visitor offline = user has left

Hover your mouse over visitor icons to see each visitor’s profile.

User data collected

  • Website and App users
  • Sessions & Duration
  • Engagement & Conversion
  • Referrer, Exit, searchterms
  • Click, Touch, Swipe & Pinch
  • Custom events i.e. Email
  • App /Browser name & Version
  • Platform & Devices
  • Country, Region, City
  • GPS Longitude & Latitude
  • Timezone & Language
  • ISP, Provider or Carrier
  • Company & Organization
  • Area, Postal or ZIP code
  • IP address & Connection type
  • Display size & Orientation
  • Augmented demographics
Suche alle Besucherdaten

Search all visitor data

A 'google search' through all your website traffic data

Visitor labeling & tags

Visitor labeling & tags

Identify & tag visitors. Invaluable for email campaigns or tracking leads.

CRM & Integration API

Request info, get data back, and process it as you like.

Track events & properties

Track events & properties

From a button clicked to a video played, anything you want to track.

Company Identification

Company Identification

Identify visitors by company, university or governmental body.

Einzigartige Besucher verfolgen

Track Unique Visitors

See who your visitors are & how they use your site.

Real-time Reporting allows you to monitor your visitor's activity

Real-time Reporting

Real-time minute-to-minute tracking, reporting and analysis.

IP address tracking

IP address tracking

Track & trace your website visitors IP address and identify them

ROI & Conversion

ROI & Conversion

All incoming traffic sources, online advertising and PPC in one place.

Webová analýza


ZDARMA zkušební tady. Získejte Smart. Začněte.

Analýzy webu

  • Přidejte se k tisícům webů, které Opentracker sleduje a vytváří jejich statistiky a analýzy.
  • Opentracker je cenově výhodné řešení pro webové analýzy, založené na událostech.
  • Poskytujeme jednoduché, vysoce informativní a snadno dostupné řešení analýzy Vašich stránek.
  • Charakteristikou společnosti je jednoduchost, intuitivnost a snadno ovladatelné uživatelské rozhraní.

Sledujte Vaše návštěvníky v reálném čase!

Zkuste se najít v přehledu níže.

realtime visitor online = uživatel je online realtime visitor pending = uživatel je aktivní realtime visitor offline =uživatel odešel

Umístěte kurzor myši na ikonu uživatele pro zobrazení profilu.

Shromažďovaná data

  • Uživatelé webu a aplikace
  • Sezení & délka
  • Zapojení & konverze
  • Odkazovač, odchod, hledání
  • Klik, Dotek, Posun & Zvětšení
  • Uživatelské události
  • Jméno a verze aplikace/prohlížeče
  • Platforma & zařízení
  • Město, kraj, stát
  • GPS souřadnice
  • Časová zóna & jazyk
  • Poskytovatel připojení
  • Společnost & Organizace
  • Oblast a PSČ
  • IP adresa & typ připojení
  • Velikost displeje & orientace
  • Demografika
Suche alle Besucherdaten

Prohledávání všech uživatelských dat

Prohledávání všech uživatelských dat ve stylu Google

Visitor labeling & tags

Štítkování návštěvníků

Oštítkujte si návštěvníky pro snadnou identifikaci.

CRM a integrační API

Vyžádejte si informace, získejte zpět data a zpracujte si je.

Track events & properties

Sledování událostí

Od kliknutí na tlačítko až po přehrání videa. Vše, co je pro Vás důležité.

Company Identification

Identifikace společností

Identifikujte návštěvníky podle jejich společnosti nebo státní instituce.

Einzigartige Besucher verfolgen

Sledujte návštěvníky

Zjistěte, kdo jsou Vaši návštěvníci a jak Vaše stránky využívají.

Real-time Reporting allows you to monitor your visitor's activity

Přehledy v reálném čase

Sledování, přehledy a analýza - to vše v reálném čase.

IP-Adresse verfolgen

Vyhledávání IP adres

Najděte určitého zákazníka, klienta nebo záznam o návštěvě pomocí hledání IP adresy.

ROI & Conversion

ROI a konverze

Zdroje příchozího provozu, online reklamy a PPC na jednom místě.

GDPR Compliance

Opentracker is a GDPR Completed company

GDPR Opt-out page

What Is GDPR (And Why Should I Care)?

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was passed by the EU Parliament in April of 2016. Replacing the Data Protection Directive from the 90s, it’s the biggest legislative change in data Privacy regulation to take place the last 20 years.

In a gist, GDPR was created to standardize data Privacy laws throughout Europe—and to put greater protection on the data Privacy of EU citizens.

If you have implemented custom features or are unsure if you have added non-GDPR compliant features, please request a € 395 one-time fee for a GDPR-compliant quick-scan analysis.

The following shows you how you can implement a gdpr compliant tracking cookie opt-out page.

Want An Opt-Out Page?

An opt-out page is a webpage that sets a cookie created by a website on your browser to block that same website from installing future cookies. The opt-out cookie tells the website not to install other opentracker cookies in the browser. This prevents opentracker from tracking your page visits within a website or among websites within a companies network. The drawback to using opt-out cookies is that they are site specific. They can only block cookies from a specific server and won’t block cookies from other websites. To do generalized blocking, you can manage your cookies via your browser’s cookie settings.

We at Opentracker have developed an opt-out page that you can put on your site to allow your website visitors to opt-out from tracking by opentracker. The html code is displayed underneath:

  <title>GDPR opt-out</title>
  <script src="//"></script>
  <script src="//" id="opt-out-script" show-account="true"></script>
  <link href="//" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
  <div id="htmlContent"></div>

Understanding The Above Html Code

The first line of code loads the script. The one above is just an example. You will need to use the script that you have implemented in your site. You can got this when you signed up to opentracker, and you can get a copy by logging in and resending your script. It takes the form:
  <script src="//"></script>
You will need to replace the site attribute (in this case with your own registered site. Things will not work otherwise.

The next line will load the script and stylesheet to show the opt-out dialog:

<script src="//" id="opt-out-script" show-account="true">
<link href="//" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />

These lines don’t need to change. If you want to style things differently, you can craft your own css file or items.
Take a look at how things look by clicking here for a plain preview of the opt-out form. The html content and javascript needed to opt-out is generated from these files.

You can have the content be generated in your own design by adding these lines of code to a basic page. Take a look at how things look in Opentracker’s website by clicking here for an opt-out form within a site’s design

Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact sales.

GDPR Compliance

Opentracker is a GDPR Completed company

Opt-out page

An Opt-Out Page

The following html snippet has been added to this page, and allows you to opt out of Opentracker’s tracking cookies.
<script src="//" id="opt-out-script" show-account="true"></script>
<link href="//" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div id="opt-out-content"></div>

Best Way to View Traffic from Different Sources

Vyhledávání IP adres

searchlight Multi-channel traffic campaign reporting

Multichannel Campaign Reporting for all traffic

See Multiple Sources In One Table

Web Traffic comes from lots of different places. Current favorites are Google Adwords, LinkedIn, Twitter, Bing, and Facebook.  Multiple sources are used to generate incoming traffic, most of which behaves differently.

Our job at Searchlight, as engineers specialized in making your life simpler, is to supply you with one web traffic report, in which you can compare all your sources.

A single, easy-to-understand table which displays, for example:

Campaign/ Source Google AdW/ Singles day Google AdW/ Xmas LinkedIn/ Xmas Twitter/ Singles day FaceBook/ Interest Newsletter/ Nurture
icon showing linkedin logo icon showing twitter logo icon showing facebook logo icon showing an email
Clicks 1,300 2,983 1,200 300 12,392 212
Conversions 25 16 2 15 12 6
% of Total 1.92% 0.54% 0.02% 5.00% 0.10% 2.83%
Date range 1st Jan to now

****Spoiler Alert****

This technology will capture traffic from all sources across multiple sites, and make your life easier.

Which Traffic Sources Deliver The Best Results?

In this article we discuss how to measure which traffic sources deliver the best results. In other words, how to understand which money is well spent. You might be forgiven for thinking that this all seems very obvious, and while it might seem that way, the process is very complex. Google refers to this as Multi-Channel Funnel Reporting – which requires engineering resources to get it implemented via Analytics.

Until now at least. With this post, we are releasing technology which greatly simplifies the process of combining the measurement of multiple sources to one or more conversion point (different landing pages, or sign-ups, purchases, etc). That means that we’ll give you a table in which you can compare how well channels generate traffic that converts to your goals.

Important Marketing Metrics

  1. Quantity (amount) of traffic generated per source
  2. Quality (conversion) per source
  3. Cost

Bottom line: the goal is to find the best sources for the lowest cost. From a technical point of view, we might refer to omni-channel, or cross-channel attribution rates, sign-ups per channel, roi reporting, campaign performance, and tracking conversion from source.

Examples Of Traffic Conversions From Multiple Sources

Suppose you have a website called

Now you work to promote the site across different channels – ad campaigns, social, emails.

Let’s say you have 5 different channels (Note: things can get complicated quick, if people move across channels, through time). What you really want to keep track of, is which efforts lead people to (which) conversion events. Perhaps these people end up checking out through or           >>>>>        >>>>>>>>>           >>>>>>>>>>>>>>       >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>            all funnels to then further converts to

The metrics we are discussing here will give you an overview of which sources actually led to conversions over long periods of time.

Click here to read about the nuts & bolts of cross-domain tracking. In a nutshell – we can measure the same person, as the same person, through time, from point of origin across websites.

Example Traffic Sources

Examples of different channel sources are: organic and paid search traffic, social campaigns, and email blasts. Technically, the bread-and-butter ways to measure all these sources is to insert UTM tags in all your traffic campaigns and tag your HTML emails.

Examples Of Where To Send Traffic

Typical places where traffic is sent consist of website pages – targeted landing pages, home-pages, and call-to-actions such as sign-ups, ordering, and contact requests. One of the unique selling points we bring to this table is the ability to measure this activity across domains, either from non-secure to secure, or across a network or group of related-product sites.

Compare Traffic From Multiple Sources In The Same Report Table

The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow here is the ability to know for yourself, your client, whoever you need to discuss with, which of your marketing and advertising efforts are working, which need to continue getting your spend, and which are not working as expected. The pain here is the struggle to monitor across multiple channels.

A Solution For Agencies

Does your Digital Agency need to report on Campaign conversion to your clients? What this offers agencies, digital marketing agencies, or otherwise, is the ability to automate client reporting across marketing channels, which is a huge time-saver. Not only time, hours needed to compile reports from multiple sources, but the elimination of human error, and the ability to access the data in real-time. Basically, it means getting all your advertising data on the same page. Result? An overview of all conversions across all sites for any group of products.

Example Questions Which Can Be Answered With This Solution

  1. Which advertising is giving us web conversions.
  2. What is our best referral for conversions and from which advertising campaign are people getting there.
  3. Which ad source is bringing traffic.
  4. Which ad source is bringing the most traffic.
  5. Which ad source is bringing the form completions, sign-ups, orders, and purchases

Best Way to Increase Conversion in your Page


Digital Marketing Analytics made easy

One report for all traffic sources - google, linkedin, facebook, twitter, bing, etc. Automated: save time and compare conversion from multiple channels with ease. Reduce complexity and reporting -show clients end-to-end conversion & attribution


Implement in Google Tag Manager, WordPress or a custom JS tools. Get Started in 5 mins.


A conversion dashboard – designed for Marketing Executives and Agencies.


Understand target audiences. Schedule reports with teammates. Dominate the right channels.

Searchlight is a digital marketing tool made for digital marketers. Focus on your audience’s journey and quickly segment the customer based on metrics that are meaningful for your business. We’ve been setting standards for 15 years – find out why.

Get Enriched Customer Profiles
with Event-Based Data

Increase your skills to build customer profiles, segment your audience and compare effective multi-channel conversions. Utilizes Searchlight’s cross domain tracking technology to build profiles across online assets.

Integrate Analytics

       Integrate customer data into your business, interface with the tools you use most.  Collect metrics that accelerate your business’ value proposition.

Real Time Insights into
the Customer's Journey

Searchlight has pioneered real-time reporting. Real-Time allows you to monitor activity as it happens. Follow goal conversions and sales cycle activity as it happens.

Fall in love with our FEATURES

real time icon


Real-Time allows you to monitor activity as it happens. From high volume - to small web-shops: we provide segmented reporting on any metric. Focus on the individual segmented customers across your online assets.

Suche alle Besucherdaten

Customer intelligence

Customer intelligence is about understanding your customer's experiences and personal preferences — our dashboard is designed so that you can understand the different segment's of your customer's experience.

Hand holding iPad depicting easy to use interface.

Easy & intuitive user interface

Perfect balance takes time and skill, we focus on how how an analytics application should ‘work’ for the digital marketer and marketing agencies. To be truly useful, we design for the goals you’re trying to achieve.

Target audience

Plans and pricing

Start trial web analytics

FREE trial here. Get Smart. Get Started.

Signup to Web Analytics

Web Analytics

  • Join thousands of sites who rely on Opentracker to know what happens on their websites.
  • Opentracker is a competitively priced best-of-breed solution for tracking & web analytics.
  • We provide the easiest, most informative, and straight-forward statistics solution available. Information is beautiful and helpful if displayed with skill.
  • The company’s hallmark is simple, intuitive, and easy-to-read reporting interfaces.
  • Founded in 2002. Find out why we’ve been setting standards for 15 years.

See your visitors, in Realtime!

Find yourself in the online visitors table below.

realtime visitor online = user is online realtime visitor pending = user is inactive realtime visitor offline = user has left

Hover your mouse over visitor icons to see each visitor’s profile.

User data collected

  • Website and App users
  • Sessions & Duration
  • Engagement & Conversion
  • Referrer, Exit, searchterms
  • Click, Touch, Swipe & Pinch
  • Custom events i.e. Email
  • App /Browser name & Version
  • Platform & Devices
  • Country, Region, City
  • GPS Longitude & Latitude
  • Timezone & Language
  • ISP, Provider or Carrier
  • Company & Organization
  • Area, Postal or ZIP code
  • IP address & Connection type
  • Display size & Orientation
  • Augmented demographics
Suche alle Besucherdaten

Search all visitor data

A 'google search' through all your website traffic data

Visitor labeling & tags

Visitor labeling & tags

Identify & tag visitors. Invaluable for email campaigns or tracking leads.

CRM & Integration API

Request info, get data back, and process it as you like.

Track events & properties

Track events & properties

From a button clicked to a video played, anything you want to track.

Company Identification

Company Identification

Identify visitors by company, university or governmental body.

Einzigartige Besucher verfolgen

Track Unique Visitors

See who your visitors are & how they use your site.

Real-time Reporting allows you to monitor your visitor's activity

Real-time Reporting

Real-time minute-to-minute tracking, reporting and analysis.

IP-Adresse verfolgen

IP address tracking

Track & trace your website visitors IP address and identify them

ROI & Conversion

ROI & Conversion

All incoming traffic sources, online advertising and PPC in one place.

Análise da Web | Opentracker Analítica


Seja inteligente. Começando.

Comece seu período de teste gratuito

Acompanhar o comportamento de análise de dados

Para a otimização diária de seu negócio on-line, um conhecimento detalhado do comportamento de seus visitantes é crucial.

  • Tome suas decisões com base no comportamento do usuário redescoberto diariamente
  • As estatísticas de tráfego são uma forma de feedback direto
  • Gerar números de mercado reais – sem suposições
  • Aprenda o comportamento do clique de seus usuários e adapte seu site às suas necessidades
  • Determine o comportamento real do cliente e adapte sua estratégia à realidade
  • Elimine hipóteses erradas e estratégias ineficazes
  • ​Isso permite que você faça decisões de gerenciamento de conteúdo e marketing bem informadas e eficazes

Veja seus visitantes em tempo real!

Encontre-se na imagem para visitantes online

realtime visitor online = Visitante está online realtime visitor pending =Visitante está inativo  realtime visitor offline =Visitante foi

Mova o mouse sobre os ícones do visitante para ver os perfis de visitantes

Dados do usuário coletados

  • Usuários de sites e aplicativos
  • Sessões e duração
  • Envolvimento e conversão
  • Referente, Sair, Condições de pesquisa
  • Clique, toque, deslize e aperte
  • Eventos personalizados, d. h. E-mail
  • Nome e versão do aplicativo / navegador
  • Plataforma e dispositivos
  • País, região, cidade
  • Latitude e longitude do GPS
  • Fuso horário e idioma
  • ISP, fornecedor de operador
  • Empresa e organização
  • Área, código postal ou CEP
  • Endereço IP e tipo de conexão
  • Tamanho e orientação do ecrã
  • Dados demográficos avançados

Recursos úteis

Suche alle Besucherdaten

Pesquisar todos os dados do visitante

Uma "pesquisa do Google" através de todos os dados de tráfego do seu site

Visitor labeling & tags

Coloque uma etiqueta no seu visitante

Identificar e marcar visitantes. Inestimável para campanhas de e-mail ou pistas de rastreamento.

API de CRM e integração

Solicite informações, recupere dados e edite-o conforme desejar.

Track events & properties

Siga eventos e propriedades

Um botão clica em um vídeo que está sendo reproduzido, tudo o que você deseja seguir.

Company Identification

ID da empresa

Identificar visitantes por empresa, universidade ou agência governamental.

Einzigartige Besucher verfolgen

Siga visitantes únicos

Veja quem são seus visitantes e como eles usam seu site.

Real-time Reporting allows you to monitor your visitor's activity

Relação em tempo real

Acesso 24/7 ao comportamento humano

IP-Adresse verfolgen

Rastrear o endereço IP

Siga e siga o endereço IP dos visitantes do seu site e identifique-os

ROI & Conversion

ROI en conversão

Todas as fontes de tráfego recebidas, publicidade on-line e PPC em um único lugar.

ウェブ解析| Opentracker Analytics


スマートに。 はじめに。





  • 日常的に再発見されたユーザーの行動に基づいて意思決定を行う
  • トラフィック統計は直接フィードバックの一形態です
  • 実際の市場番号を生成する – 前提なし
  • ユーザーのクリック行動を学び、ニーズに合わせてサイトを調整する
  • 実際の顧客行動を特定し、戦略を現実に適応させる
  • 誤った仮定や無効な戦略を排除する
  • ​これにより、マーケティングとコンテンツ管理に関する十分な情報を得ることができます。


realtime visitor online = 訪問者はオンラインです realtime visitor pending =訪問者は非アクティブです  realtime visitor offline =ビジターがなくなった



  • ウェブサイトとアプリのユーザー
  • セッションと期間
  • 関与と変換
  • リファラー、終了、検索条件
  • クリック、タップ、スワイプ、スクイーズ
  • カスタムイベント、d。 h。 Eメール
  • アプリケーション/ブラウザ名とバージョン
  • プラットフォームとデバイス
  • 国、地域、都市
  • GPSの緯度と経度
  • タイムゾーンと言語
  • オペレータのISP、ISP
  • 会社と組織
  • エリア、郵便番号または郵便番号
  • IPアドレスと接続タイプ
  • 画面サイズと方向
  • 高度な人口統計データ


Suche alle Besucherdaten



Visitor labeling & tags


訪問者を特定しタグ付けする。 電子メールキャンペーンやリードを追跡する上で非常に貴重です。



Track events & properties



Company Identification



Einzigartige Besucher verfolgen



Real-time Reporting allows you to monitor your visitor's activity



IP-Adresse verfolgen



ROI & Conversion

