DMAs Designated Market Areas

Live event- and clickstream reporting as people navigate your site or app. In this report, we show a realtime overview of your users and their visits. Each visit or user session is shown as one line in reverse chronological order. The report has numerous options to drill-down/ expand or search specific users. Explore usability and experience page-by-page, by event (swipe, pinch, tap) and click-by-click.
A profile is created for each unique user or visitor:
The profiles present full visit details, such as search term, company, all activity through time, first recorded entry, geolocation, and referrer info.
Full technical details, such as device, platform, ISP, browser, and operating system (OS) are also presented.
Real-time report showing all user activity to your site or app. For every visit or session you see a complete list of clicks (clickstream) or events (eventstream). Every visit contains a complete visitor profile with technical and behavioral details.
This is an interactive report showing user and visitor activity at the individual level.
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Opentracker Torenallee 45 - 7.17 5617 BA Eindhoven The Netherlands |